• Although chickens can be a great addition to your backyard, they can pose challenges in more ways than one. The attraction of having a fresh supply of eggs just steps away from your door is more tempting than ever, especially with the rising cost of eggs. Plus, they can be a fantastic way to reduce food waste by eating your scraps and even help keep your backyard bug population down.

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  • Although rarely spotted, flying squirrels are surprisingly common and can cause quite a nuisance if they invade your home. Go Pro Wildlife Removal can identify and repair squirrel damage while eliminating the chance of re-entry.

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  • As the colder months creep in and winter officially begins, homeowners turn to their heating systems and fireplaces to stay warm. The winter season also signals to local wildlife that it’s time to locate a warm, dry shelter. Even though wildlife may not officially be on your winter guest list, keep reading for tips to prevent critters from entering your home.

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  • Your attic may have more than just Christmas decorations this holiday season. Educate yourself on the signs of wildlife potentially making themselves at home in your attic.

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  • October is Animal Safety and Protection Month, educating and reminding people of the ethical and kind treatment that all creatures should be shown, from domestic pets to wild animals.

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  • As the summer fun comes to an end and you prepare to leave your lake house for the fall season, it is important to take the necessary measures to ensure that wildlife does not invade your space while you are away. When leaving your lake house unoccupied during the colder months, it’s only natural for wildlife to search for a warm place to take shelter. To prevent unwanted animals from making themselves at home, Go Pro Wildlife Removal can take the worry off your hands by assisting with preventative measures.

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