• So, what exactly is a Bat House? Bat houses are structures used to attract and safely house bats. Also referred to as bat boxes, these structures allow bats to have a safe place to reside and raise their young while acting as natural pest control. Providing bats with a safe place to roost has more benefits than you may think.

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  • Wildlife in your home or business can cause unnecessary stress. By purchasing or renewing an annual warranty with Go Pro Wildlife Removal, you can ensure your home or business is protected all year long.

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  • Go Pro Wildlife Removal is offering preventative exclusion solutions to protect your garden this summer in the form of plant deterrence.

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  • Recently, Go Pro Wildlife Removal serviced The River at Club Blanton located in Valley, Alabama.

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  • Spring is here! Learn what you can do to prepare your space and what it means for nuisance wildlife.

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  • With a natural drive for survival, snakes are constantly searching for a food source, as well as seeking shelter in areas with coverage. Snakes are cold-blooded reptiles that serve as nature’s pest control, making them an important species that keep ecosystems in balance.

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  • The woodpecker is an unsuspected wild animal that can cause damage to your home or land.

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  • As temperatures begin to rise in Alabama, more snakes will begin slithering their way out of hibernation.

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  • Alabama is home to more than forty species of snakes. Although snakes can be frightening to cross paths with, not all of them pose a threat to humans.

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  • There are many snakes––approximately forty species––that call Sweet Home Alabama “home.”

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