
Myth: Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Are the Same.

Fact: Wildlife removal and extermination specialists play the same role, the removal of unwanted guests and pests, but with different skill sets.

When looking for a service to remove unwanted wildlife or pests from your home, it is natural for you to become confused about who to call. The go-to contact is typically pest control, but are they the best choice if there has been a wildlife discovery? The answer is no; as Environmental Pest Control explains, pest control is the process of controlling, managing, minimizing or removing undesirable insects and other pests from spaces occupied by people. In comparison, wildlife removal services focus on the larger versions of unwanted guests such as bats, raccoons and snakes. Go Pro Wildlife Removal serves as a wildlife removal and control company that aims to provide wildlife and human conflict solutions for residential and commercial spaces by prioritizing wildlife conservation and education. Read below to learn the differences in our provided offerings and skill sets.

1. Most extermination specialists and wildlife removal specialists obtain different certifications.

Go Pro Wildlife Removal is the only local member of the National Wildlife Control Operators Association and has received certification as a bat management professional. As NWCOA Certified Structural Bat Management Professionals, our team is trained in the practical side of bat work including inspections, exclusion, cleanup and more. Along with the team’s bat management professional certification, we are also bird barrier certified, meaning Go Pro specializes in bird-proofing tools, safety, product selection and site evaluation.

Furthermore, the Georgia Department of Agriculture highlights that Certified Pest Control Operators obtain certifications in categories such as fumigation, household pest control and wood-destroying organism control.

2. Wildlife control and removal specialists rely on live trapping and exclusion. Pest control utilizes extermination techniques.

Frame’s pest control summarizes the differences between wildlife removal and pest control by explaining the solutions that the two groups implement. The key difference is that while pest control uses techniques such as spraying and baiting, wildlife control relies on live trapping and safe removal. Wildlife control also focuses more on a method called “exclusion,” which is designed to keep animals from returning to your property in the future. Go Pro Wildlife Removal emphasizes the human-animal relationship and applies it to our implemented wildlife control and removal solutions. Read our previous blog to learn more about the human-animal relationship and practices we use accordingly.

Go Pro Wildlife Removal strives to implement ethically sound solutions while providing long-term relief for home and business owners. The next time you see an insect infestation or learn of wildlife on your property, refer to this blog and call the appropriate specialist.

Bat Houses: Providing a Habitat for Wildlife

July 22nd, 2024|Comments Off on Bat Houses: Providing a Habitat for Wildlife

So, what exactly is a Bat House? Bat houses are structures used to attract and safely house bats. Also referred to as bat boxes, these structures allow bats to have a safe place to reside and raise their young while acting as natural pest control. Providing bats with a safe place to roost has more benefits than you may think.

Go Pro Wildlife Warranties: Protect Your Home and Your Business

June 27th, 2024|Comments Off on Go Pro Wildlife Warranties: Protect Your Home and Your Business

Wildlife in your home or business can cause unnecessary stress. By purchasing or renewing an annual warranty with Go Pro Wildlife Removal, you can ensure your home or business is protected all year long.

Myth: Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Are the Same

February 28th, 2024|Comments Off on Myth: Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Are the Same

Are you calling the right specialist to get rid of unwanted guests and pests? Learn the difference between pest control and wildlife removal specialists and know who to call!

Contact Info

Service Areas: Contact Go Pro today! We offer wildlife removal solutions in Auburn, Opelika, Lake Martin, Valley, Montgomery, AL and Columbus, GA areas.

Phone: (334) 744-0391

Hours: Open 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

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