• So, what exactly is a Bat House? Bat houses are structures used to attract and safely house bats. Also referred to as bat boxes, these structures allow bats to have a safe place to reside and raise their young while acting as natural pest control. Providing bats with a safe place to roost has more benefits than you may think.

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  • Human-Animal Relationship Awareness week. Go Pro Wildlife Removal bridges the gap between humans and animals while promoting healthy relationships between the two.

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  • Go Pro Wildlife Removal recently provided bat exclusion services to a funeral home located in Union Springs, Alabama. The owners of the business reached out to the Go Pro team after several, unsuccessful in-house attempts to resolve the issue.

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  • Go Pro Wildlife recently provided services to Union Springs Presbyterian Church located in Union Springs, AL. Built in 1883, the historic church has had no alterations made to the body of the infrastructure.

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  • Human-Animal Relationship Awareness Week was created by the Institute of Animals and Society to highlight the connection between humans and animals and to promote a more positive attitude towards the well-being of animals.

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  • Not only is October a month full of Fall fun, but it is also a time to appreciate one of nature’s most misunderstood animals–the bat.

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  • As the weather warms up in Alabama for the spring, you may start to notice more nature sounds from birds returning to the South after their annual migration.

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  • If you are one of the unlucky homeowners that have unknowingly offered refuge to bats in your home, you’re not alone.

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  • Imagine a mouse scurrying across your kitchen floor. You call a wildlife removal professional to kick it to the curb, but, a week later, you spot another mouse making itself at home.

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  • Spring has arrived, which means wildlife change their behavior. Many critters come out of hibernation and become more active in the warmer weather.

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