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  • Homes with chimneys are often targets of wildlife. If you have heard strange noises coming from inside your chimney, you are not alone. There are many misconceptions about the types of wildlife that may be seeking shelter and taking up residence in your chimney. Often homeowners think they have bats, when in fact, there is a higher chance it is another type of flying animal.

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Eric WidgetCEO & Founder
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Helen ParkinsCTO & Partner
Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim. Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada.
Jason Response
Jason ResponseCFO & Partner
Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a mauris.


Our Software is quick, lean, and market-focused.

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Avada is the perfect choice for your business software needs.

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  • Homes with chimneys are often targets of wildlife. If you have heard strange noises coming from inside your chimney, you are not alone. There are many misconceptions about the types of wildlife that may be seeking shelter and taking up residence in your chimney. Often homeowners think they have bats, when in fact, there is a higher chance it is another type of flying animal.

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  • Homes with chimneys are often targets of wildlife. If you have heard strange noises coming from inside your chimney, you are not alone. There are many misconceptions about the types of wildlife that may be seeking shelter and taking up residence in your chimney. Often homeowners think they have bats, when in fact, there is a higher chance it is another type of flying animal.

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  • So, what exactly is a Bat House? Bat houses are structures used to attract and safely house bats. Also referred to as bat boxes, these structures allow bats to have a safe place to reside and raise their young while acting as natural pest control. Providing bats with a safe place to roost has more benefits than you may think.

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