
How to Protect Your Lake House from Wildlife While You Are Away

As the summer fun comes to an end and you prepare to leave your lake house for the fall season, it is important to take the necessary measures to ensure that wildlife does not invade your space while you are away. When leaving your lake house unoccupied during the colder months, it’s only natural for wildlife to search for a warm place to take shelter. To prevent unwanted animals from making themselves at home, Go Pro Wildlife Removal can take the worry off your hands by assisting with preventative measures.

Common Lake House Entry Points

Educate yourself on the common entry points of your lake house so you can make sure these cracks and crevices are secure when you leave. You may already know that critters will find their way into your home through an attic or crawlspace, but here are a few more entry points that you may not have thought of yet:

  • Ridge vents
  • Chimney caps
  • Windows
  • Drop edges
  • Soffits
  • Molding
  • Eaves
  • Bathroom vents
  • Gable vents
  • Fascia boards
  • Cracks and holes in the foundation

Wildlife Most Active in the Fall and Winter

Depending on the season, different species of wildlife may take residency in your home. Now that you know where these critters could be entering from, it is important to know which types of critters are active during the colder months and the signs to look out for that indicate they may be nearby.

  • Raccoons: Trash strewn across your yard, scratch marks at the bottom of trees, footprints that resemble humans
  • Squirrels: Scampering noises in the early morning or at dusk, urine odors, deposits of acorns in your attic or on your roof
  • Bats: Droppings/guano, chirping noises, scratches on the walls, smells like ammonia

Go Pro Wildlife Removal Lake House Preventative Wildlife Package

Let Go Pro Wildlife take the stress off leaving your lake house unattended for the colder months. If you want to prevent nuisance wildlife from taking up residence in your home this fall, Go Pro Wildlife Removal can assist with our lake house preventative wildlife package.

Lake House Preventative Wildlife Package – $99 *

What’s included:

  • $99 comprehensive top-to-bottom inspection of home – includes attic cellular camera and surveillance if needed
  • 10% off the following services
    • Gutter maintenance package – i.e. leaf removal and gutter guard installation
    • Rodent crawlspace exclusions
    • Armadillo deterrent program

*Offer valid through 10/19/2024*

For more information, call us at (334) 744-0391.

How to Protect Your Lake House from Wildlife While You Are Away

September 18th, 2024|Comments Off on How to Protect Your Lake House from Wildlife While You Are Away

As the summer fun comes to an end and you prepare to leave your lake house for the fall season, it is important to take the necessary measures to ensure that wildlife does not invade your space while you are away. When leaving your lake house unoccupied during the colder months, it’s only natural for wildlife to search for a warm place to take shelter. To prevent unwanted animals from making themselves at home, Go Pro Wildlife Removal can take the worry off your hands by assisting with preventative measures.

How to Protect Your Lake House from Wildlife While You Are Away

September 18th, 2024|Comments Off on How to Protect Your Lake House from Wildlife While You Are Away

As the summer fun comes to an end and you prepare to leave your lake house for the fall season, it is important to take the necessary measures to ensure that wildlife does not invade your space while you are away. When leaving your lake house unoccupied during the colder months, it’s only natural for wildlife to search for a warm place to take shelter. To prevent unwanted animals from making themselves at home, Go Pro Wildlife Removal can take the worry off your hands by assisting with preventative measures.

What’s That Noise in My Chimney?

August 22nd, 2024|Comments Off on What’s That Noise in My Chimney?

Homes with chimneys are often targets of wildlife. If you have heard strange noises coming from inside your chimney, you are not alone. There are many misconceptions about the types of wildlife that may be seeking shelter and taking up residence in your chimney. Often homeowners think they have bats, when in fact, there is a higher chance it is another type of flying animal.

Bat Houses: Providing a Habitat for Wildlife

July 22nd, 2024|Comments Off on Bat Houses: Providing a Habitat for Wildlife

So, what exactly is a Bat House? Bat houses are structures used to attract and safely house bats. Also referred to as bat boxes, these structures allow bats to have a safe place to reside and raise their young while acting as natural pest control. Providing bats with a safe place to roost has more benefits than you may think.

Go Pro Wildlife Warranties: Protect Your Home and Your Business

June 27th, 2024|Comments Off on Go Pro Wildlife Warranties: Protect Your Home and Your Business

Wildlife in your home or business can cause unnecessary stress. By purchasing or renewing an annual warranty with Go Pro Wildlife Removal, you can ensure your home or business is protected all year long.

Contact Info

Service Areas: Contact Go Pro today! We offer wildlife removal solutions in Auburn, Opelika, Lake Martin, Valley, Montgomery, AL and Columbus, GA areas.

Phone: (334) 744-0391

Hours: Open 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

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  • As the summer fun comes to an end and you prepare to leave your lake house for the fall season, it is important to take the necessary measures to ensure that wildlife does not invade your space while you are away. When leaving your lake house unoccupied during the colder months, it’s only natural for wildlife to search for a warm place to take shelter. To prevent unwanted animals from making themselves at home, Go Pro Wildlife Removal can take the worry off your hands by assisting with preventative measures.

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  • Homes with chimneys are often targets of wildlife. If you have heard strange noises coming from inside your chimney, you are not alone. There are many misconceptions about the types of wildlife that may be seeking shelter and taking up residence in your chimney. Often homeowners think they have bats, when in fact, there is a higher chance it is another type of flying animal.

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  • So, what exactly is a Bat House? Bat houses are structures used to attract and safely house bats. Also referred to as bat boxes, these structures allow bats to have a safe place to reside and raise their young while acting as natural pest control. Providing bats with a safe place to roost has more benefits than you may think.

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  • Wildlife in your home or business can cause unnecessary stress. By purchasing or renewing an annual warranty with Go Pro Wildlife Removal, you can ensure your home or business is protected all year long.

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